We are delighted to share a significant milestone achieved within our organization as we recently participated in a transformative project in the city of Foligno, Italy. This project, known as DHeLiDA (Digital Health Literacy for Disadvantaged Adults), is a significant step towards promoting digital health literacy and empowering vulnerable groups, including the elderly and migrants, with vital digital skills.

The journey commenced on June 23rd, 2023, when our dedicated consortium of partners convened for an impactful training activity in Foligno, Italy. The primary objective was to equip disadvantaged adults with crucial digital skills, foster digital health literacy, and enhance their access to reliable health-related information. This endeavor was nothing short of extraordinary, and the experience was both enriching and invigorating.

The DHeLiDA Project: Empowering Through Knowledge

The DHeLiDA project is a European collaboration designed to bridge the digital health literacy gap among marginalized communities. Its primary focus is to empower vulnerable groups by facilitating their acquisition of new digital skills and enabling them to access credible health resources. The project’s impact is profound, as it promotes better health management, prevention, accurate diagnosis, and effective communication between patients and healthcare professionals.

Three Pillars of Progress

DHeLiDA is working diligently to achieve its mission through three key outputs:

  • Crowdsourcing Platform on Digital Health Literacy: This platform encourages the collective effort of citizens to enhance their health literacy through digital means.
  • DigCompHealth Foundation Framework: An essential framework to guide individuals on their journey to digital health literacy.
  • DHeLiDA Training and Sustainability Toolkit: Equipping trainers with the necessary tools to support disadvantaged adults in their quest for digital health literacy.

This endeavor, which commenced on February 1st, 2022, will continue to make a lasting impact until January 31st, 2024.

Italy’s warm embrace welcomed our delegation, and the gracious hospitality of our host, EGInA Srl, was unparalleled From June 27th to 30th, we engaged in Learning, Teaching, and Training Activities that will enable our trainers to become effective facilitators for the project’s target groups. One of the highlights of this gathering was the presentation of the “DigComp Health Foundation Framework,” a pivotal moment that will shape the future of digital health literacy.

Our Valued Partners

We wouldn’t have come this far without the unwavering support of our esteemed partners:

  • Pro Arbeit – Kreis Offenbach – (AöR), Germany (Project Coordinator)
  • EGInA, Italy
  • Frederick University, Cyprus
  • SYSTSERV, Greece
  • Pressure Line, The Netherlands

At Systserv, we are proud to be a part of this transformative project that champions digital health literacy and positively impacts disadvantaged adults. The skills and knowledge we’ve gained during our time in Foligno, Italy, will undoubtedly pave the way for a brighter and healthier future for those who need it most.

We invite you to stay tuned as we continue to make significant strides in the realm of digital health literacy. Be on the lookout for updates on our ongoing journey, and join us in our mission to empower communities and change lives for the better.