We are delighted to share the highlights from the recent DHeLiDA Partner Meeting held in Rotterdam, Netherlands, where passionate collaborators convened to strategize and plan the next crucial steps of the transformative DHeLiDA project: Digital Health Literacy for Disadvantaged Adults.

The meeting served as a pivotal platform for partners to reflect on the project’s progress and discuss key outcomes achieved thus far. With a steadfast commitment to empowering vulnerable demographics, especially elderly individuals and those with migrant backgrounds, the DHeLiDA consortium embarked on constructive discussions aimed at enhancing digital health literacy and fostering inclusive healthcare access.

Throughout the meeting, partners engaged in in-depth conversations surrounding the development and implementation of innovative tools tailored to the unique needs of the project’s target groups. These tools are meticulously designed to empower citizens to navigate the digital landscape effectively, enabling them to better manage their health and well-being online.

As we look ahead, the DHeLiDA consortium remains dedicated to driving positive change in digital health literacy and enhancing healthcare equity for vulnerable populations. Through our collective efforts and unwavering commitment, we are poised to realize the full potential of the DHeLiDA project and make a lasting impact on the lives of individuals in need.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all partners for their invaluable contributions and unwavering dedication to advancing digital health literacy across Europe.

  • #Pro Arbeit – Kreis Offenbach – (AöR) – Kommunales Jobcenter, Germany 
  • #EGinA, Italy
  • #Frederick University, Cyprus
  • #SYSTSERV, Greece
  • #Pressure Line, The Netherlands

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue our journey towards a more inclusive and empowered future in healthcare through the transformative DHeLiDA project.